Chalmers Library Terms of Use
When you create a library account at Chalmers Library you commit to the following terms of use:
Your Library Account
- Your login to the library’s resources is personal and may not be transferred.
- You are personally responsible for your loans and obliged to comply with the loan period.
- You may not lend the material to someone else, and you are expected to return it in the same condition as you when you borrowed it.
- You are responsible for reporting changes in personal information and email addresses to the library.
- You give permission for the library to contact you about your loans and reservations.
- If you are under 18 you will need written permission from your parent or legal guardian to create a library account.
Loans and loan periods
When you borrow library material you are responsible for keeping track of the return date and returning it on time. Note that the return date may change depending upon reservations, only the first 14 days are guaranteed. If someone else reserves the same book after your initial 14 days, the library will send you an email with a new, earlier return date. You must then be able to return the book at short notice.
Read more about loan periods.
Overdue returns and damaged library materials
If you do not return your loans on time, the library will first send a reminder, then a demand. Library material which is not returned is regarded as lost, which entails a fee of 600 SEK per lost book plus an additional administrative fee of 200 SEK per lost book. You will be barred from further borrowing until you have paid the fees. However, if you return the missing book, only the administration fee is payable.
If the borrowed material is damaged, you are responsible for contacting the library for evaluation of the damage. If the damage is significant you may have to compensate the library for the value of the material.
Read more about fees, blocks and how you pay charges.
Use of e-resources
e-resources include databases, e-journals and eBooks. They are intended for study and research and may not be used for commercial purposes or in a way which violates copyright law. Systematic downloading is not allowed, neither is the use of software or scripts which automate downloading.
If you are not a student or staff member of Chalmers you can only access the e-resources at the library premises.
If you break the rules above or behave in a way which disturbs those around you, and fail to correct your behaviour when reprimanded, you can be barred from borrowing, accessing the physical library and/or the library’s resources for a certain time.
Confidentiality and personal data
Information about an individual’s loans, reservations or other kinds of requests is confidential according to Chapter 40, paragraph 3 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (SFS 2009:400).
Chalmers needs to save your first name, surname and personal identification number to administrate the lending of books and other library materials. Chalmers is responsible for the personal information we collect from you. You always have the right to know how your personal data is being used, have incorrect information amended, and object to our processing of personal data. For complete information on our processing of personal data, your rights and how you contact us see Chalmers' processing of personal data.