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New student at the library

As a new student, we hope you will quickly find your way to the library. Here you will find study spaces, books and electronic resources, among other things. We also offer guidance, teaching and lectures. On this page, we present some important steps to get started and use our services.

Create a library account

The first thing to do is to create a library account. With the library account, you can borrow and request books.

Create a library account

Chalmers library Terms of use

Search for books, articles and databases

In the search box at the top of our website, you can search for course literature, books, articles, journals and databases. When you have found a book through the search box, you can see where it's located and often pick up the book yourself directly from the shelf. If the book is on loan, you can place a request at the book. You automatically have access to all our electronic resources via your Chalmers ID (CID), even if you are working remotely.

Search Services

Our libraries

At Chalmers University of Technology, there are three libraries that together constitute Chalmers Library. There are many different kinds of study spaces in our libraries, some parts should be completely silent while other parts are intended for group work and normal conversation level. There are also many group study rooms that you can book. Please keep an eye on our comfort rules about what applies at our libraries.

Our libraries have extended opening hours, which means that you as a student can access the library even outside staffed opening hours.

Our libraries

Comfort rules at the Chalmers Library

Learning Disabilities

The library has support for those who have some form of learning disabilities. For example, you can get talking books and book a reading studio with extra equipped computers.

Disability study support at Chalmers

Services for students with learning disabilities

New student at Chalmers

There is a lot of information that concerns you as a new student on Chalmers website. There can be a lot of new things to take in and keep track of. Do you have a question and do not know where to turn? Then you should visit the Service Center in the Student Union Building. They can answer most questions or help you find the right contact.
