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Chalmers Open Access Award

Every year in October Chalmers Library awards a person or group for excellent work on creating open access to Chalmers research output. This page lists the winners.

Award winners 


The Chalmers Library's Open Access Prize for 2024 is awarded to Hans Malmström, Christian Stöhr, and Amy Wanyu Ou from Communication and Learning in Science. Their report, “Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden”, is the most downloaded report of the year from

You can read the report here.


The Chalmers Library's Open Access Prize for 2023 is awarded to Lisa Göransson and Filip Johnsson from the Department of Space, Earth, and Environment. Their article "A Future Power System with and without Nuclear Power - What's the Difference?" is this year's most downloaded, and that too in just three months.

You can find the report here (in Swedish only).

You can read an in-depth interview with this year's awardees here!

In the picture:  (front row left to right) Filip Johnsson, Lisa Göransson and Jessica Lindholm.

Photo: Christian Löwhagen.


In the service ODR Student theses Chalmers' student essays are accessible. During the last year the bachelor degree thesis "Buller från padelbanor utomhus - En jämförelse mellan padel och tennis" was the most downloaded item. During Open Access Week 2022 the students Filip Wadman, Victoria Ahlgren, Marius Hildén, Christopher Herrey, Oscar Björneklett and Emilia Nobelius were awarded with the Chalmers Open Access Award 2022.  

The thesis can be read and downloaded from

An article (in Swedish) can be read here,

In the picture:  (front row left to right) Catharina Hiort and the awardees Christopher Herrey, Marius Hildén, (back row left to right) Filip Wadman, Victoria Ahlgren, Emilia Nobelius and Oscar Björneklett.
Photo: Jenny Palm.


This year the award is handed to the Department Biology and Biological Engineering (BIO) for publishing 68% of their research publications in 2020 open access in Chalmers Research. The award will be received by Maria Faresjö, Head of Department, but goes to all publishing staff members at BIO.

An overview of research output from BIO can be seen and accessed here.

In the picture: Head of department Maria Faresjö (to the left) receives Chalmers Open Access Award from library head Ann-Sofie Axelsson (to the right).
Photo: Jenny Palm.


Erik Agrell is awarded the Chalmers Open Access Award 2020. With a majority of his almost 300 research publications published open access, over a time span of close to 30 years, Erik is with this award recognized as a true Open Access champion at Chalmers University of Technology. 

An interview with the award winner is available at Chalmers web, "Open Access is a matter of democracy and global solidarity".


erik_cath_OA.jpg (2)

In the picture: Erik Agrell (to the left) receives Chalmers Open Access Award and flowers from Catharina Hiort (to the right).
Photo: Mikael Weiss. 

2018 and 2019

Anneli Kamb and Jörgen Larsson, for the report Klimatpåverkan från svenska befolkningens flygresor 1990 – 2017 (2018). The report was in 2018 downloaded by 900 unique users, and was linked to from e.g Swedish television and the journal Curie. The report was the most downloaded item both 2018 and 2019.  


Sandra Roos for her doctoral thesis Advancing life cycle assessment of textile products to include textile chemicals. Inventory data and toxicity impact assessment which reached most readers during 2017. 

Sandra Roos receiving a diploma

In the picture Sandra Roos (to the right) receives flowers and a diploma from Kristina Graner (to the left).
Photo: Jessica Lindholm


No award handed out.


The 2015 award goes to the authors of the most reached open access publication during 2015. Jan Lennartsson, Nicklas Lidström, Carl Lindberg was awarded the prize for the article Game intelligence in team sports (PLoS ONE. 2015 vol. 10 (5)). 

Carl Lidberg and Jan Lennartsson

In the picture Carl Lidberg and Jan Lennartsson, poses outside Chalmers Library with the prize winner flowers.  
Photo: Sofia Andersson 
