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Geodata för forskning, utbildning och kulturverksamhet

Geodata and maps from many Swedish authorities. Data made available through the service GET (Geodata Extraction Tool) hosted by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. See details under More info.

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Data made available through the service GET (Geodata Extraction Tool) hosted by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Through GET you get access to several databases from public authorities. For example maps, aerial photographs and laserdata from Lantmäteriet, nautical charts from the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket), data about soil and bedrock from Geological Survey of Sweden (Sveriges geologiska undersökning) as well as population statistics from Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån).

The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has a separate technical solution and is not a part of GET. Students and Chalmers affiliated get free access to their service Lastkajen

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Terms of Use

Chalmers students and employees may use this resource for personal research and non-commercial purposes.
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