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Database information

IEEE Xplore digital library

Full text database in computer science, electrical engineering and electronics. E-books, journals, conferences and standards from IEEE and IET.

= Chalmers library recommends the database within this subject area or type of content

IEEE Xplore is recommended by Chalmers Library because here you will find a huge collection of full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics.

The database mainly covers material from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Chalmers have access to most of the content, but not all.

Terms of Use

Chalmers students and employees may use this resource for personal research and non-commercial purposes.
General terms of use.

Terms of use (downloads, printouts etc.) for this database.


We recommend Statista if you are looking for a useful portal for statistics and market information.

Skillport ebooks

It is now possible to download chapters from ebooks on the Skillport platform.
