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Access to e-resources through OpenAthens

You can now identify yourself with Chalmers-ID (CID) directly at the databases and publisher's web sites.

What is OpenAthens?

OpenAthens is a so called single-sign-on-service that makes it more convenient and secure to login to articles, databases and e-books provided by Chalmers Library. In addition to go through the library web site, you may now also identify yourself with your CID directly at the e-resource platform. 

What should I look for?

It looks a bit different on different web sites. Look for "Sign in via your institution" or similar, or "OpenAthens".

Icon for Open Athens  

Open Athens Elsevier icon


Sometimes there's an icon with a house, that connects you to Open Athens:

Icon of Open Athens house  or just: Icon Open Athens house

Once you've logged in through "the house" and Open Athens, and have accepted cookies, the web browser should remember your login the next time you visit the same web site.

Why do I sometimes have to choose between different options?

There are several so called federations that institutions and countries uses for authentication. Chalmers Library uses the Open Athens-federation for access to e-resources.

You may need to choose between Shibboleth or OpenAthens (or in some cases just Athens). Choose OpenAthens/Athens and then search for Chalmers.

Open Athens Springer Login icon

Another example:

 Open Athens EBSCO Login icon

Which "Chalmers" should I choose?

If you see different Chalmers-alternatives, choose "Chalmers Library". Important: Do not select "Chalmers".

Find your institution icon

I can't find any Chalmers alternative in the list - what can I do?

At some web sites, you first need to find OpenAthens in the drop down menu.

Drop down meny

Then search for Chalmers under Find your institution.

Open Athens sign in Find your institution icon

It may also be a publisher or database that Chalmers Library doesn't have an agreement with. You can instead search for the e-resource at the library web. If you cannot find it there, you may use the request form and we will try to get the article or e-book for you.

More information and questions

The links from Chalmers Library web site will work as before, but you may need to login with your CID also at campus and within Chalmers VPN. During the same session, you should be able to access e-resources at various providers without having to enter the login credentials again.

Some publishers offer you to create a personal account. You don't need to do that in order to access the e-resources, but you may find it interesting if you want to get search alerts or other features.

During a transition period the library uses both OpenAthens as well as the login through our proxy-server in parallell. We will provide more information when we begin to phase out the proxy regarding how to link to e-resources for course literature etc.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the library if you have any questions or concerns.
